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Competitive speech and drama classes at the Stratford & East London Music Festival

In addition to competitive music classes, the Stratford & East London Music Festival also offers many competitive speech and drama classes, which are open to all ages and abilities.

We offer entrants the opportunity to perform live in front of a small, friendly and encouraging audience, and to have their performance assessed by a professional adjudicator.

Our speech and drama classes include reciting poetry and verse, being a newsreader, performing a piece of musical theatre, delivering a speech, reading from sight, compiling your own verse, acting either alone or in pairs... and the list goes on. Click here for our full Speech & Drama Syllabus.

We have plenty of cups to be awarded and every entrant will receive a certificate and a written assessment of their performance from the adjudicator.

The two best performances will be asked to perform at the start of our Young Musician of the Year finale.

Speech & Drama convenor and festival chair, Matthew Taylor, says:

"It's wonderful to see people perform, and the value that professional feedback offers. I have certainly found that public performance has improved my self confidence and I know for many entrants, it is a great opportunity to test out new ideas or refine a performance for a forthcoming exam or event.

"As the Speech & Drama convenor, it is my job to ensure that entries are valid, to timetable them and to make sure everything runs smoothly on the day. I can answer any queries you may have about a class, or the festival as a whole. Please contact me if you need any help."

The deadline for entries for our 2023 festival is 30 December 2022.

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